Can you say “NO”?

Nikunj Waghela
2 min readMar 26, 2020

Are you a “YES MAN” or a “YES WOMAN”?

Do you have hesitation while saying “NO” to anyone?

Are you carried away by someone when you are not keen for doing the activity but you actually do it?

Despite of all your best efforts you may not satisfy some people in your life or may be yourself. You spend all the energies keeping everybody happy and as a result you make no one happy.

It simply means you don’t know your priorities.

In your endeavour to say ‘YES’ every time, you are actually doing things which may not be important in your life or for your goals. Trust me such people can’t create anything great.

If you have dreams, if you are clear on your goals, then saying YES to everything is surely hurdle to achieve your goals. Set your activities in a right path.

Identify what is important and what is not.

Say No to your colleague who talk about the negativity of the company.

Say No to relatives who discourage you for your work

Say No to friends who just meet for gossiping

Say No to everything which drain your energy and shift your focus from your goal.

It’s your life and you don’t need anyone’s approval to live your dream.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

