Why is Business one form of trekking?

Nikunj Waghela
1 min readJun 10, 2020
Kedarkanth ( Himalaya )

Beautiful mountains, Fresh air and the view, gives energy and vibes to bring out positivity from within.

Business or Trekking, it takes constant efforts to reach out to your goal.⚡️

When you see from the base and look towards the summit, it often seems impossible.

But You need to have ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘desire’ to conquer the peak.

Similarly, when you start your business, there are lots of dilemmas, uncertainty & fear but still you have the ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘desire’ to successfully run the business.

It gives you all the boost to start working and achieve the growth.

As high-altitude trekking is not only about walking. You need constant preparation of months to gain strength for it. Similarly, in business you have to adopt the system so that it works for you.

The efforts put in building your system always gives consistent output.

And like you achieve your summit at the end of the trek, you also achieve your business goals after establishing the system.🌟

Nikunj Waghela

